Zimmer Aesthetic Division
PF TonerPro Pelvic Floor Therapy Research Paper 

Prepared by:
Dr. Ernesto Delgado Cidranes
Dra. Zuramis Estrada Blanco
Physio: Sandra Rodriguez Garcia
Physio: Carlos López Moreno

PF TonerPro device for the treatment of female and male urinary incontinence. This research paper, prepared by Dr. Ernesto Delgado Cidranes and others, reveals its very high efficacy in treating incontinence. Before & after advanced elastography imaging, ultrasounds, MRIs, and comprehensive data included. Access study descriptions, results, conclusions, and recommendations for this innovative solution using electromagnetic field energy for advanced pelvic floor muscle training.

Z WavePro Photo

This research paper is a good way to learn about our device.  A live product demonstration is a great way to experience how the Zimmer MedizinSystems PF TonerPro system feels and works!  Please contact us today and tell us a little about yourself. We’d love to meet with you for a no-obligation demo.