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Z Wave for Capsular Contracture After Breast Implant

by Marc J. Salzman, M.D.

Zimmer MedizinSystems White Paper Series – Volume 2

Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Marc Salzman, authored this article about his experience treating with non-invasive Z Wave Radial Pulse Technology to soften capsular contractures that resulted from breast implants.


Excerpt 1: Capsular contracture, or ‘hardening’ of the breast after implant surgery, is believed to result from infection postimplantation. This minor irritation causes a reaction within the body forming scar tissue around the foreign object, in this case a breast implant, which hardens; normally the tissue capsule is soft and pliant. This condition is more likely to develop in smokers. There are a number of different treatment options, including surgery, but more recent study (including histology) has suggested that shockwave therapy (Z Wave) is a viable and potentially powerful therapy for capsular contracture.


Excerpt 2: No anesthesia, analgesia, or other pretreatment protocol is required; the patient simply comes in, undergoes treatment, and leaves with no effect on their day-to-day life because there are no side effects or downtime. Satisfaction is high because persistent results are easy to obtain with little hassle.

Dr. Salzman’s full article can be read in the PDF above.

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